The CoreCon volunteers vote on a new theme every year. Please enjoy the cover images from past program guides. The themes for each year were:
- CoreCon I: Heroes vs Villains (2009)
- CoreCon II: Year of the Zombies (2010)
- CoreCon III: Myth and Magic (2011)
- CoreCon IV: The Apocalypse (2012)
- CoreCon V: Into The Cosmos (2013)
- CoreCon VI: Echoes of the Future (2014)
- CoreCon VII: A Touch of Evil (2015)
- CoreCon VIII: On Ancient Seas (2016)
- CoreCon IX: Monsters vs Mechs (2017)
- CoreCon X: Return of the Heroes, Revenge of the Villains (2018)
- CoreCon 11: High Tech Low Life (2019)