One of the signature pieces of CoreCon is our diverse range of Panels. Meet our Guests of Honor, discuss your favorite fandom, or expand your knowledge of gaming, cosplay, science, and geek culture. You are sure to be enlightened, amused, and entertained.
If you are giving a Panel this year, THANK YOU! Your dedication to the worlds of Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Horror, Anime, and Gaming in all their forms is sure to inspire. What amazes us is that some Panelists have little to no public speaking experience. Their passion for their subject overcomes their stage fright and means that their Panel truly comes from the heart.
If you are attending a Panel, please be respectful of the presenters. Audience participation is an important part of many Panels. Please feel free to respectfully ask questions. We ask that you please silence or turn off your cell phone during Panels. Realize we are all friends because we share similar interests and treat them as such. Please thank each Panelist for their time and effort. Without them, CoreCon would not be as enriching as it is.
The deadline for Fargo CoreCon Panel submissions is March 1, 2025. Contact panels@fargocorecon.org with any questions or concerns. Be on the lookout for a link to the Schedule App for all CoreCon programming coming soon!
Pingback: Panels at CoreCon – CoreCon IX
Pingback: Panels: Make Friends and Share Knowledge – CoreCon X