Cosplay Focus: Brittney Berthiaume

BrittneyplusBrittney won the 2016 CoreCon Costume Contest for “Best In Show” as Tigress and feels cosplaying has helped her to be a more confident person.

There are many different reasons people like Brittney cosplay: fun, escapism, celebration, imagination, creativity, props… the list goes on. But one of Brittney’s main reasons she cosplays a particular character is she identifies in some way with their personality. Whether it is a trait she would like more of in herself or something she shares already that connects the two, it makes her reflect and be a better person.

Having martial arts experience, she likes to cosplay characters like Korra from Legend of Korra, Tigress from Kung Fu Panda, or any character that can be a “B.A.” She can also kick your butt if you don’t pronounce her last name properly. (For the record, it sounds like “perfume.”) But she probably won’t because despite her fierce cosplay choices, she is extremely nice.2016-corecon-costume-contest-tigress-02

Though it might not seem like it now, Brittney feels cosplaying is growing more and more popular, and acceptance across the board is happening. Cosplay is being discussed more in the media as a non-profit, charity, or community-proud event. Media is taking notice on the positive effects of cosplay (like gaining confidence, building friendships, and improving communication skills). The upper Midwest is still learning to accept this subculture, but cities like Chicago and Los Angeles do city-wide welcomes for cosplayers attending conventions and other fans alike. The future for cosplay is opening more for beginners, too, since they have a community to rely on. Even advanced cosplayers are finding more and more tools and resources out there to put towards this amazing craft!photo borrowed from FB

The “real world” versus “cosplay life” is often kept separate for a lot of people. More recently, Brittney has noticed that cosplay does make her a more confident person, and that is tying into her real world life and profession. She says, “I still don’t blurt out that I’m a cosplayer, but I don’t hide it either when someone tries to talk about my interests and hobbies – because it is a huge and happy time-consuming hobby for me.”

If you have questions about cosplay for Brittney, you can find her at all of the local conventions plus many of the big ones. She is often seen running an Artist Alley table and manages Cosplay North Dakota on Facebook as well as BBDesign Cosplay14470494_874961739270568_8720975547636786839_n

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